Canada to welcome 465,000 – 500,000 new Immigrants in 2023-2025

SEPTEMBER 12, 2022 02:42:11 PM

Canada recently unveiled its Immigration Levels Plan for the years 2023–2025. In 2024, the target will be raised to 485,000 new immigrants and in 2025, there will be 500,000 more immigrants. In 2021, 405,000 immigrants were invited, breaking previous records. By the end of 2022, Canada expects to welcome 432,000 immigrants.

The immigration goals are used to determine how many immigrants Canada hopes to accept each year. Economic development, family reunification, and providing asylum to people fleeing persecution abroad are among the goals of Canada’s immigration policies.

Express Entry and PNP targets will rise

The majority of new permanent residents enter through programs for specific economic classes, such as Express Entry, or through Provincial Nomination Programs (PNPs).


The following are the targets for principal applicants, spouses, and dependents who are accepted through Express Entry:

  •  82,880 in 2023
  •  109,020 in 2024
  •  114,000 in 2025

The PNP will remain Canada’s top immigration program for people with low incomes, and its goals will be raised to:

  •  105,500 in 2023
  •  110,000 in 2024
  •  117,500 in 2025

XIPHIAS Immigration underwent a significant change when assisting our clients in unwinding during emigration. Every year, we built on our

previous successes and progressed to assembling knowledgeable teams of immigration attorneys and advisers dedicated to providing the quickest, safest, and most legal means of emigration.

To Know more about the Application Process and your Eligibility

Please get in touch with our expert consultants at +91-9019-400-500 or email us at [email protected]

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