Obtain residency or citizenship by investing in the right country
August 13 2022 11:28:01 PM
European Continent is currently the top destination for all those high net-worth individuals who intend to invest across borders thus increasing their business prospectus. Investing in Europe provides the investors and entrepreneurs either temporary residence or permanent residence or second citizenship depending on the investment type. Biggest advantage of European investments is the mobility that European residency or citizenship offers. Such investments offer the investor access to the whole of European Union with residency while with citizenship, investors can travel across the globe to more than 100 countries visa free. With either residency or citizenship, the investor gets to live and work in any part of European Union. The best manner to proceed to invest in Europe is by working with International Investment experts who are experts in Europe Permanent Residency for Indians program.
Investment options in the continent can be sorted into 3 categories –
1. Property/Real Estate Investment
2. Business Investment
3. Investment in Government bonds/Public debt
Countries like Portugal and Greek, offer their residency to all those investors who invest in the countries real estate. Most of these programs are developed with an intention to encourage direct investments in to the real estate and development in the country. One of the most famous investment programs under this category is the Portugal Golden Visa program. This program requires the investor to invest a Euro 500,000 into the real estate of Portugal. Countries like Malta and Cyprus offer both citizenship and residency to the high net-worth investors depending on the investment amount the investor is willing to invest in the Real estate or in Government bonds of the country.
Business Investments can be categorized into two. One of the categories requires the investor to be a passive investor while the other investment program requires the investor to be an active investor where the investor will be part of the everyday activity of running the business. UK, France, Germany and few other countries provide Investment programs which encourage innovative entrepreneurs to set up their business in the country. These countries provide residency to the investor which eventually can be converted as would be required. French Talent Passport Program is one of these programs which provide the investor best investment immigration opportunities to explore the beautiful and prosperous country. These investments will need the investor to prove his or her caliber and experience as a businessman for a continuous period of time.
Government bonds are another type of investments which are encouraged by many European countries. At the end of the said period, the investor can get back his investment. The countries that offer this include UK which requires the investor to invest a minimum of £2 million in the country’s Government bonds. UK investment programs are many and each of them have their own unique way of immigration pathway. UK provides residency to the investors which can eventually be converted into permanent living in the country.
Investors depending on their goal should choose the right investment program. Usually the investors choose an investment program depending on whether he would get residency in the continent or citizenship of a country there.
Residency in Europe through Investments
This is by far the most sought after investment type. Usually the investor first achieves temporary residence in the continent followed by permanent residency in the country. Most of the residency programs require the investor to maintain their investment in the country for a stipulated period of time. However, rules for those countries offering permanent residency and temporary residence are different. Most of the programs over period of time ensure the immigrant obtains citizenship of the country where he or she is a resident of. The tax regimes are favorable for the investors. The residency is usually extended to the immediate family of the investor. Malta Investment Immigration Program provides both residency and citizenship to the investor. Few famous countries which offer residency of Europe are Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and United Kingdom.
Europe’s Citizenship by Investment program
Through investments the high net-worth individual earns direct citizenship. These programs are much more expensive than the residency programs. There will be invariably a non-refundable contribution that the investor will have to make towards the Government funds. Countries like Cyprus and Malta offer direct citizenship in Europe.
The best way to approach any of the investment programs is by working with international investment experts who deal with investments and migrations. Such firms will usually be authorized agents and will have good business relationships with real estate houses and business houses. They will know their path to help their clients achieve their ultimate purpose.
To Know more about the Application Process and your Eligibility
Please get in touch with our expert consultants at +91-9019-400-500 or email us at [email protected]