Point Based Immigration Process in Developed Countries – 2022!

APRIL 16, 2022 11:24:08 AM

Some of the developed nations use a point-based system to determine eligibility of Skilled Migration Candidates for immigration. The points awarded in such an immigration system will take into account a variety of factors such as education, age, work experience, and so on. Those who obtain the required minimum number of points may apply for immigration. The higher the number of points, the more likely it is that these potential immigrants will migrate abroad.

When it comes to the most popular immigration destinations, three countries stand out: Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom. The only thing these countries have in common when it comes to immigration is that they use a points-based system. If you want to migrate abroad and are thinking about moving to one of these countries, understanding the countries’ points systems will be beneficial. It will assist you in determining whether your current status of various factors is best for one country or the other.

The minimum points required in Canada, UK and Australia are as follows:

For Canada 67 points are required for a skilled worker applying for permanent residency through the Canada Express Entry system. 65 points are required to apply for points-tested Australian visas such as Subclass 491 and GSM visas (which include Subclass 189, 190, and 489). 70 points to apply for a work visa in the United Kingdom.

To Know more about the Application Process and your Eligibility

Please get in touch with our expert consultants at +91-9019-400-500 or email us at [email protected]

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