Yukon, a province of Canada, whose demography is defined by rugged mountains and high plateaus. This territory is one of the less explored provinces of Canada for economic purposes. It is sparsely populated as this province has a great influence of the Arctic climate. However, Yukon is believed to be rich in natural resources. It has large tracts of unspoiled unexplored natural wilderness.

Yukon too, as it builds its economy, has been inviting migrants to relocate to its province. Yukon’s program for immigrants is known as the Yukon Nominee Program (YNP). Eligible applicants, who get chosen for the opportunities open in Yukon, get Yukon’s Provincial Nomination certificate, which the applicant can use to apply for their Permanent Residence Permit with the Federal Government in Canada.

Pathways offered by Yukon Nomination Program

The YNP’s Express Entry system works in tandem with the Federal Government’s Express Entry system. Applicants whose profile is already in the Express Entry pool are chosen based on the requirement and qualifications. Organizations based out in Yukon, have access to these profiles and they nominate candidates based on their requirement.

Such chosen profiles are provided with the Yukon Nomination Program Certificate using which the applicant can proceed to apply for Permanent Residence Program.

Yukon employers can sponsor foreign skilled workers for Canadian Permanent Residence through the Skilled worker Program. Such applicants’ profile need not be part of the Express Entry pool, rather interested applicants will have to submit their profile directly to the Yukon portal. However, such applicants will have to be working in a National Occupational Classification (NOC) in skill level O, A or B.

Another of the pathways into Yukon is the Critical Impact Worker Program. Through this program, semi-skilled and unskilled occupation vacancies are addressed. To be eligible under this program, it is important to have received a job offer from a Yukon Employer.

The Business Nominee program is another pathway, part of the YNP through which one can enter Yukon province. High net worth individuals can either choose to invest in the real estate of the province or in the business there.

What XIPHIAS Immigration will do for you-?

XIPHIAS Immigration is an ICCRC registered company. We have a solid backing of lawyer’s team who can counsel you and provide you the best guidance possible.

  • We assess your profile
  • We Submit your application and documents
  • We prepare your application
  • We guide you about the documents needed and ways to prepare the same
  • We help you at every step possible
  • We help you take up the language proficiency tests
  • We will aid you till you get your PR VISA
  • We provide post landing counseling before you fly
  • We help you with your stay in Canada and provide you with Job assistance

Get in touch with one of XIPHIAS Immigration co-ordinates to know your best options. We offer FREE CONSULTATION Services.

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